Sunday, October 14, 2012

Too Bad Plan B Pill Doesn’t Cure Asthma

Wonderfully DysfunctionalI got a call from the school nurse last week. It went something like this:

“Your son is having an asthma attack. Please pick him up.”

“Oh shit!  Give him a breathing treatment.”

“I can’t," the nurse snapped. "You didn’t provide the proper doctor-signed forms.”

“REALLY? You’re not gunna treat him?”

“I can’t. You had plenty of notice about providing the proper forms....and you sent him in with an expired inhaler.”  The lecture went on.

So, my son was sucking air through a straw in the midst of an asthma attack, sitting next to a cabinet full of inhalers, the nurse unable to break the rules to help him. Meanwhile, in a NY city school, a nurse is handing out Plan-B morning after pills like a pez dispenser. I can’t help but feel like regulation has taken the place of common sense.

In the ABC News report, New York City Schools Give Plan B 'Morning After' Pill to Teens,
Wallace states, "I do think we need to use caution in providing the Plan B pill to teens who may not fully understand why and how to use it."

Really? Do ya think?

The school nurse can’t give a Tums without a notarized letter from a pediatrician, but Plan B pills and contraception? How many do ya want?

I’m not taking a stand for or against Plan B, I’m just saying lets be consistent. We can’t keep buying a bigger garbage can, sometimes we need to get off our ass and take out the garbage.

Where do you see contradiction?

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