Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Long Hair Breeds Bad Behavior (Reposted)

I've been told that long hair breeds bad behavior. So, I'm posting this for all the moms with long-haired boys that are misbehaving. If only you had known that a simple haircut would have solved your problems. No longer do you need to teach your boy to be a good person. Simply chop off those nasty locks of hair and watch the magic! Don't take any chances, cut your girl's hair too. People will think your kids are respectable and so they will be. Right?

In the article Boys hair: long or short by Christina Sbarro, her husband argues, "...boys with long hair grow up to be irresponsible, carefree, wanderers, who don't know how to hold down a regular job. Said long haired boys might join a low-life garage band, or be influenced by the wrong crowd, and in general, would be disadvantaged in the corporate world of "grown up" America." Do you think she agreed? Nope.

If it were completely my decision, I would let my young boy have whatever hairstyle he wanted. If he started to misbehave, I would grab a big can of "no more video games" before grabbing the clippers.

As an adult he may need to worry about how others perceive him, but as a child I need to worry about how he perceives himself.

To clip or not to clip?  What's your opinion?
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Tuesday, September 24, 2013

A Bath, a Book, a Cup of Tea

Tonight I reserve just for me
A bath, a book, a cup of tea
My day was spent just like the rest
Job and family, I do my best

Laundry, bills, some dishes too
Come, I’ll read that book to you
Dress-up time is always fun
Kids in bed, the day is done

Fast asleep my children lay
This I’ve waited for all day
To take some time to pamper me
My bath, my book, my cup of tea

To your bedside I am drawn
Touch your cheeks, how they are warm
Reaching down to kiss your hair
I close my eyes and say a prayer

Someday you’ll be grown up too
Now’s the time for me and you
So in the bed with you I lay
My bath can wait just one more day.
                                    - Buffi  2002

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Saturday, September 14, 2013

Sorry Eleanor Roosevelt, but I disagree

PhotobucketEleanor Roosevelt said, "It takes courage to love..."  Sorry Eleanor, but I disagree. I think it’s easy to love.

As a young Mama, I held my babies close. I memorized every freckle on their little noses. I knew the origin of each bruise and scrape. Oh how I love my babies.

It’s 10 o’clock and I’m picking up my teens from the movie theatre. Cell phones and bras replace the pacifiers and diapers. I bite a nail for each minute I wait to see them safely enter my car. Tonight, when they’re fast asleep, I’ll hold them tight again.

My children teach me: It’s easy to love. It takes courage to let go.

Blogging has opened me up to an audience of passionate, intelligent, funny and sometimes crazy people. I read your blogs and I’m in love. I envy the freedom you have with your words. How can I be that funny or poetic? I hit the “publish” button and cringe. I read my post a dozen times and it never sounds good enough.

Blogging reminds me: It’s easy to love. It takes courage to let others love you.

Where do you find your courage?
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Monday, September 2, 2013

Dancin’ with Molly?

When I was sixteen, “dancin’ with Molly” meant you were watching the ending of Sixteen Candle’s. This week they were the censored lyrics in a song performed by the almost-naked Miley Cyrus at the VMA. I never thought I’d miss Hannah Montana.

When I was sixteen, graphic design meant you perfected a house on your Etch-A-Sketch and Mrs. Pac-Man was a modern chic.

When I was sixteen, a pool was guaranteed to be overflowing with any sweaty kid within a five mile radius. Today, sweat-free kids sit in their bedrooms sporting life-like guns on video games; the sound of “Marco-Polo” replaced with the voices of online strangers screaming obscenities after a good kill.

When I was sixteen, a season’s pass to an amusement park was reserved for the very rich or the stupidly spoiled. Today, unused season’s passes rot at the bottom of our kids’ Coach and Nike bags.

Yes, I long for the days when Rubik’s Cube was modern and Magic-Eight-Ball was my decision maker, but my teens force me to live in today’s world of Snap-Chat and iTunes. How do I cope? I force them to watch reruns of Colombo and The Odd Couple. Movies like Jaws and Rocky help bridge the gap from my sixteen to theirs.

And if all else fails, I grab my Coach Bag, buy the kids some $5 latte’s, and head over to the overpriced dine-in-theatre where we’ll watch a movie my parents still won’t let me see.

How are you coping with the new Molly?
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Thursday, August 22, 2013

Where’d I leave the baby?

I missed my flight today. No, it wasn’t because of traffic. It wasn’t car trouble. I can’t even blame it on the kids this time. It was my acts-like-a-90-year-old memory. How does that happen? How could I forget what time my flight was.

Wish I could say this was an isolated incident, but I’m losing my memory faster than dad’s losing his teeth.   Here’s a glimpse of how my memory is wreaking havoc on my life:
  • I show up on the wrong day for doctor’s appointments and blame it on my damn iPhone calendar.
  • I get half-way through my shower and forget whether or not I washed my hair.
  • I forget I’m cooking. I have to set a timer-alarm to remind me there’s food on the stove;
    except I usually forget to set the alarm.
  • I forget what the kids asked me a minute ago. What’d ya say, you young wiper-snapper?
  • I never remember where I’m driving. If it weren’t for my lovely Australian GPS man, I’d be wondering the streets of neighboring towns wondering if I was late for something.
Hey, maybe all those stress dreams are really premonitions of times to come. You know the dreams…  The one where your sitting in school, remembered the homework, forgot the clothes.

Or my personal favorite: the one where you forgot something at the beach – frantically digging in the sand – I’m pretty sure I left the baby here a minute ago…

If my memory is any gage of my actual age, then I’m gunna need depends before the year is out.

How has your mind failed you lately?

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